Table Topics are a great way to practice impromptu speaking. Here are some fun and creative topics to get you started:
- What happens when Santa holds an election for Head Elf? Campaign promises and all

- If you could invent a toy that would be loved by children from every culture, what would it be?

How can we tell if brain microchip technology is already being used in society today?
You’re stuck in the longest line during Christmas shopping, and you really need to get ahead. What creative (and completely ridiculous) excuses do you use to cut the line without anyone noticing?
If you were stuck in a pub during the storm, what three things would you want with you?
You’re sitting quietly at a funeral when you suddenly hear your name called out—it’s your turn to give a speech. You get up, walk to the podium, and halfway down the aisle, you look back at the people it hits you: this isn’t the right funeral! The person you’re speaking about isn’t the one you thought. Also the people are looking forward to your speech so it is cruel to let them down. What do you do?

- What would you do if you woke up one morning and discovered a cow was in your front yard eating grass?

- If you were taking a driving test in a world where oil is extinct and donkeys are the only means of transport, what unique skills would you need to master to pass the test?